Have you failed in online business around your job? Felt alone left behind the scenes? Here is what you need to do!

Failure is part of the process. Use it as a lesson to move forward.

Matea Dragosavljević
5 min readNov 14, 2021

You´ve probably wanted to start a business on the internet

You´ve probably spent a bunch of money on online training, listened to webinars.
You´ve probably struggled with the foundation called CUSTOMER AVATAR.

You´ve been a part of one marketing company but you feel you were NOT a good fit for them because you haven´t succeeded.

You´ve probably started to write blog posts on one of the website platforms.

Here is the thing. Most successful people failed in their businesses.

Today we live in the digital world and you do NOT need to spend so much time and money to start, grow and scale any business online.

T.Harv Eker, the founder of Harv Eker International had a defining moment early in his life.

T. Harv Eker: I had four businesses selling novelty hats, jewelry, coupon books, and T-shirts at one point. When they all failed in the same year, I realized the problem wasn’t the business I was in — instead, the problem was me. I didn’t know it at the time, but my attitude, beliefs, habits, and even my character weren’t those of a successful person.



Matea Dragosavljević

Online entrepreneur|Helping marketers to earn HT commissions; turn strangers into buyers without big following, without ads,without funnels to monetize audience